Thursday, May 19, 2011

Analysis of the Reading: Defining Educational Innovations

The sages say that the past can’t be changed, but it is vital to learn from each and every one of their experiences, as this will allow a better present and a future. That's true, we all have a past teacher, and we walked path as facilitators or mediators. These experiences that all of us have lived in different ways, because we had had distinct occasions of growing up, they are actually learning events and each event is an opportunity to recreate and rethink the teaching act.

Innovation as English learning doesn’t only mean thinking how teachers can modify and teach the four skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing; innovation is deeper than that. Furthermore, teachers have to get better conditions of teaching in other spaces such as culture, values, expectation, customs tradition, and adaptation of the curriculum with the place in which acquire more performance.

Better use of innovation in the classroom must seek to complement, enrich, deepen and diversify the educational process guided by teachers.

It supposes that an educational change must be improved positively, it should not be worse, in which exits an harmony among teacher, student and parents. To accomplish that, the first step must give the teacher. The teacher´s role is the mediator between student and learning. That´s way the teacher must be prepared academically and know the learning innovations that best adapt in the educational process background.

There are factors that influence and affect the correct use of innovations as a teaching method. Teacher must think about the economical budget available to students. We can´t ask to the students to brings laptops, even we could wish. Culturally, Costa Rica is not a country in which doesn’t offer a truthful English language. As a result, English learners must find better opportunities in other countries because Costa Rica´s exigencies are minimum.

Innovation includes the conceptual, administrative, pedagogical and technological place the way they are conceived, promoted, explore and utilize the use of technologies, such as digital. Digital innovation should provide guidance for increasing Technologies both in the laboratory and classroom space, which many students and teachers more time attending.

Something that is closely linked to innovation, and we cannot deny is the use of technology as a progress of the English students learners.

For new generations of children and young people, the innovation as graphic, multimedia and audiovisual is privileged above all else. Young people live in a world full of images, motion and sound, over letters and paragraphs. It is vital that the life of this population is accompanied at all times for the media, because it is natural for them, so they learn more and better. However it is not enough to reach them with visual, a curriculum topic very well selected, must be analyzed in advance to find out how we will take advantage and we have to get the most out to create a culture of analysis. Moreover, we use the videos, music, movies, advertisements, etc, but we always must accompany them with a few questions, comments, spaces for discussion. We look for the appropriate length videos for our students, previously analyzed the language and the messages it conveys.

The use of digital technology does not replace the physical tools (notebook, books, and pencils) complements. Each tool has its role and all are valid and necessary. Both teachers and students can use digital technologies to facilitate processes of presentation, discussion, introducing a new theme and project development, provided the teacher is the one that defines the best time and strategy to use.

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